Hurricane Gustav...
We certainly have been living in Hurricane recovery mode here at Grace. We spent much of last week supporting two local shelters here in Shreveport. Thanks to everyone who volunteered in time, resouces and gifts of supplies. We were certainly able to accomplish much more as a collective group than as individuals. Also Sarah, Pastor Rob and I were able to travel to Baton Rouge and further south on Friday and Saturday. We set off on a video shoot to collect stories and asses the damage caused to our friends in the south. The destruction is much worse than what is being reported on the news. We witnessed the destruction and devestation from the wind of the storm. Many trees, power poles, roofs and complete homes were destroyd from the wind. There were spots of flooding. But the most distrubing aspects was the destruction of the poorer neighborhoods and the lack of communication of help to these people. However we did find communities and familes that were coping with their needs and situation. This storm was not going to ruin or take their hope. They were cleaning up and coming together to help each other in this time of need. We will certainly be sending groups into these areas for recovery, clean-up and rebuilding. Grace will be sending teams throught the UMCOR office which is working directly with the UMC Disaster Office. Due to the weather this weekend they have suspensed any teams in coming in this weekend. We are gearing up to go the following weekend. If you are interested please call the church office 318-865-2070 and talk with Sarah or Sione. (I will be upadating soon with pictures from our trip.)
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